
We are asked by people how they can donate to Bethel.

It may sound very odd or out of the style of typical churches to say, please give to your local church that you attend, not us...

The reasons we say this, is because it says in Malachi 3:6-15 that we are to tithe to our own storehouse so that it may be full.  Here at Bethel we believe in and teach tithing, Jesus told us to tithe in Luke 11:42 and Paul told us to give with a cheerful heart, without feeling pressure, 2 Cor 9:7.  So our church body cheerfully supports the work of this church.

With all that said, we do not ask for your money.  If you attend a local church, please support that church.  If you have an issue with your local church and do not wish to support that church, you may want to consider Matthew 5:24.

Now if you have watched our Sunday messages, or are being blessed by the local ministries we offer here in Elgin, and wish to support us to continue to reach Elgin, and those who watch the video's then please feel free to support us with offerings, but not your 10% tithes.  Again, that belongs to your local church not to us here in Elgin.

If you wish to give.  You can send an e-transfer to or mail us a cheque to 

Bethel Tabernacle.
Box 213, Elgin Ontario
K0G 1E0

Also, please remember to give us your name and mailing address, so we can send you a tax receipt in January for your giving.

Lord Bless
Pastor Bob